Kudos to Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart

 Annie Lennox Dave Stewart Getty Images


Congratulations to Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart, who were inducted into The Songwriters Hall of Fame last month and will be inducted into The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in November, for their indelible contributions to pop music.


Dave and I connected when he was a guest on my radio show series, and I found him to be a fearless, cultural innovator.  We shared a profound conversation around the thrill of continuously pursuing new frontiers and incessantly harnessing our childhood sense of creativity.  There was also a funny moment when I called Dave at a scheduled time, and he was still talking with Mick Jagger on the other line. 


My favorite quote from the conversation, which made it to the back cover of my Slingshot book:


“Slingshot is like looking at things through the other end of a telescope.” – Dave Stewart


#eurythmics #music #rock&roll #innovation #popculture #creativity 


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