2016, November, 28

Moscow in Winter

I am looking forward to being in Moscow this week.  I will be speaking at ReForum, taking place on December 1-2.  The title of my talk is ‘How to harness the creative potential of your organization’. It should be fun.

ReForum is the top, annual event in Russia on organizational motivation and leadership, leveraging human capital and creating happiness in business.  The event is organized by Winning The Hearts (a great name for an events company), and will be held at the Skolkovo School of Management.  The audience will be 500 top Russian and international executives, and I am slated as one of two featured foreign speakers along with Julie Winkle Giulioni, best-selling author of ‘Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go’.  

Here is the link to the event: http://winningthehearts.com/en/


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