2015, September, 14

The Un-Carrier: T-Mobile disrupts U.S. mobile telecom

An industry disruptor is one that shakes up an industry by challenging taken for granted assumptions and rules of competition.  It is able to disrupt and reshape an industry by delivering tangible value focused on the needs of customers, while the incumbent industry players are focused on trying to outcompete each other.

An inspiring and pure example of such disruption is what T-Mobile is doing in the American mobile carrier industry.  While the other three major carriers have been largely complacent to the numerous pain points customers are experiencing, T-Mobile is addressing them in rapid succession.  This leaves the other carriers in the precarious position of trying to follow suit, or become exposed for customer-unfriendly policies.

I encourage you to read the details of T-Mobile’s inspirational strategy, and consider how you can use a similar approach to disrupt your market space:



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